Module CHPrettyUtil

type string_alignment_t =
  1. | StrCenter
  2. | StrLeft
  3. | StrRight
class type string_printer_int = object ... end
val fixed_length_string : ?alignment:string_alignment_t -> string -> int -> string

fixed_length_string alignment s n returns a string of length n that is padded with spaces according to the alignment alignment if the length of s is less than n, otherwise returns s

val fixed_length_pretty : ?alignment:string_alignment_t -> CHPretty.pretty_t -> int -> CHPretty.pretty_t

fixed_length_pretty alignment p n returns a pretty_t object of length n padded with spaces according to the alignment alignment if the length of p is less than n, other wise returns the pretty_t object of the string representation of s.

Note that in all cases the pretty_t object is converted to a string first.

val fixed_length_int_string : string -> int -> string

fixed_length_int_string s n returns a string of length n that ends with s padded with leading zeroes if the length of s is less than n, otherwise returns s.

val string_suffix : string -> int -> string

string_suffix s n returns the suffix of s that starts at the n'th character of s (zero-based).

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if n is larger than the length of s

val string_repeat : string -> int -> string
val nsplit : char -> string -> string list
val list_to_pretty : ('a -> CHPretty.pretty_t) -> CHPretty.pretty_t -> 'a list -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val string_printer : string_printer_int
val pretty_to_string : CHPretty.pretty_t -> string
val pp_quantity : int -> ?numwidth:int -> string -> string -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_list : < toPretty : CHPretty.pretty_t.. > list -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_list_str : string list -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_list_int : int list -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_array : < toPretty : CHPretty.pretty_t.. > array -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_array_int : int array -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_array_big_int : Z.t array -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_matrix_int : int array array -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_matrix_big_int : Z.t array array -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_stack : < toPretty : CHPretty.pretty_t.. > Stdlib.Stack.t -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_assoc_int_int : (int * int) list -> CHPretty.pretty_t
val pp_assoc_int_big_int : (int * Z.t) list -> CHPretty.pretty_t