Serialization of sum types
class type 'a mfts_int = object ... end
Data structure that aids in marshaling enumeration sum types to and from strings.
class 'a mcts_t : string -> object ... end
Data structure that aids in marshaling complex sum type tags to and from strings.
val mk_mfts : string -> ('a * string) list -> 'a mfts_int
mk_fts name f
returns a marshaler for enumeration sumtypes with name name
and map from sumtype to string f
val mk_fn_mfts :
string ->
('a * string) list ->
('a -> string) ->
(string -> 'a) ->
'a mfts_int
val variable_type_mfts : CHLanguage.variable_type_t mfts_int
marshaler for the variable_type_t
enumeration sumtype.