Module JCHFeaturesAPI

Extract key-value pairs from class files

type feature_value_t =
  1. | IntFeature of int
  2. | FloatFeature of int * float
type key_value_pair_t = string * feature_value_t
type feature_values_set_t = string * key_value_pair_t list
class type loop_features_int = object ... end
class type method_features_int = object ... end

Features associated with methods.

class type class_features_int = object ... end

Features associated with classes.

type fxpr_t =
  1. | FXVar of JCHBasicTypesAPI.value_type_t
  2. | FXField of JCHBasicTypesAPI.class_field_signature_int
  3. | FXArrayElem of JCHBasicTypesAPI.java_basic_type_t * fxpr_t * fxpr_t
  4. | FXConst of JCHBasicTypesAPI.constant_value_t
  5. | FXOp of JCHBasicTypesAPI.opcode_t * fxpr_t list
  6. | FXFunctionCall of JCHBasicTypesAPI.class_method_signature_int * fxpr_t list
  7. | FXAttr of string * fxpr_t
  8. | FXMultiple of fxpr_t list
  9. | FXException
  10. | FXNull
  11. | FXUnknown
type fxfeature_t =
  1. | FXCondition of fxpr_t
  2. | FXAssignment of fxpr_t * fxpr_t
  3. | FXProcedureCall of JCHBasicTypesAPI.class_method_signature_int * fxpr_t list
  4. | FXThrow of fxpr_t
  5. | FXReturn of fxpr_t option
class type feature_dictionary_int = object ... end